Worksafe Auditing & ACCREDITATION

By having your safety management system audited by us and certified by WorkSafe WA, The Regulator, can greatly assist you demonstrate compliance and obtain prequalification status which can be critical when tendering and quoting for new work. Certification of your safety management system is especially useful to make you stand out against the competition and give you a marketing edge.

WorkSafe WA certification shows that through an external and independent audit, which we carry out, you comply with their exacting audit requirements. As accredited WorkSafe Plan Assessors we can audit your system and if you comply you can obtain through us silver, gold or platinum certification awards from WorkSafe WA, the Regulator. We have completed over 200 successful certifications for our clients.

When you receive your certificate WorkSafe WA also gives you their official logo which you can use on your website, emails and letterheads to promote your achievement.

We do the assessment audit on behalf of WorkSafe WA and they vet the application we make to them on your behalf for your certification.

There are three steps involved:

When we asked our clients why they like the WorkSafe Plan certification they said – “the main reason is because it helps us win more tenders; it makes us stand out from our competitors when we tender; we always enclose a copy of our WorkSafe Plan Certificate of Achievement at the front of our tender submissions because we feel that it gives us an edge over our competitors when quoting; also, the award is given by WorkSafe WA, the Regulator, and you can’t get a better endorsement than that.”

Applied Safety & Risk Management

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